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What Others are Saying About the Book
Read this book. If we read it, remember it, and apply it, then I have absolutely no doubt that this book will save lives ! Our police and military, those who walk out the door every day, ready to trade my life for yours… These magnificant warriors deserve the best we have to give, and this book is the very best we have to give on this vital topic.
– Lt. Colonel Dave Grossman,
U.S. Army (Ret.) Owner/Director, Killology Research Group
This book is truly a modern-day survival manual written for all present and past peace officers, emergency responders, and military personnel. The contents are founded not only on the author’s vast career experiences and current research, but just as important, on the sad and tragic stories of families (survivors) who have personally dealt with the worst side of PTSD and depression; the loss of a loved one due to suicide. The reader will understand how these testimonials, like so many others, could have been avoided, if only the officer or soldier could have been able to simply utter the phrase “Help.” A required read for students and a must for all current and retired heroes.
Sergeant Christian Dobratz (Ret.)– Assistant Professor
Minnesota State University, Mankato
“My Life For Your Life” reveals the emotional pain and suffering that is found in a profession of men and women that bring peace and security each day and night for the 300 plus million people that work and sleep in our country each day. Unfortunately, the cost is much greater to them emotionally and physically than the public may realize. Approximately every 17 hours a police officer commits suicide in the United States (Article:”Understanding Police Suicide”, author Jean G. Laened, MA., Criminal INvestigative Instructor, FBI National Academy, Behavioral Science Unit, “The Forensic Examiner Journal” Volume 19-Number 3-Fall 2010, Page 64). Approximately, every 58 hours a police officer is killed in the Line of Duty. Author Clarke Paris reveals this cultural secret of Police Suicide and what steps are needed to restore the physical and emotional health within Law Enforcement today. John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State in the Eisenhower Administration made this observation, “The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it is the same problem you had last year.” This book provides us answers for today, that will open the door of solutions for all our tomorrows!-Robert E. Douglas Jr.,
Executive Director National Police Suicide Foundation
Law Enforcement Personnel are routinely confronted with tragic and emotional situations. These encounters impact not only their lives, but the lives of those around them. “My Life For Your Life” is written with the authority of a cop with experience who explains the impact these events have had on his life and how similar events have impacted others. I recommend the reading of this book by every law enforcement officer and their spouse, to help them understand that others are experiencing the same feelings, and to help them identify when going it alone is not the answer. Paris explains that it’s okay to call for backup; in fact, it’s the best thing you can do for yourself and your family. This book is a must read through the very last chapter. Excellent!
-Bernie Homme
Former Police Chief
Clarke at My Life for Your Life book signing, Newport Beach Ca.
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