
Nowhere has the need for suicide prevention training been more obvious than in the armed forces.

Clarke, Tracie and Captain Tinsley (Commanding Officer, Naval Special Warfare Unit #3) take a moment to pose for a photo after presenting their ‘Winning the Battle’ Presentation to military personnel stationed in Bahrain.

Clarke, Tracie and Captain Tinsley (Commanding Officer, Naval Special Warfare Unit #3) take a moment to pose for a photo after presenting their ‘Winning the Battle’ Presentation to military personnel stationed in Bahrain.

Clarke, Tracie and Captain Tinsley (Commanding Officer, Naval Special Warfare Unit #3) take a moment to pose for a photo after presenting their ‘Winning the Battle’ Presentation to military personnel stationed in Bahrain.

The time spent away from family out of country, the heightened risks, unemployment, the family issues related to extended periods of absence mean that an approach unique to these problems screamed to be addressed.

The Pain Behind the Badge is working with commanders whose concerns reflect the nature of the risk. These concerns extend to both  active members of the armed forces and members returning to families that have managed to work around their absences.



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